High Tech Students Earn Silver, Bronze, and Honorable Mention for Their Performances on French Exam

(North Bergen, NJ—March, 2015) Students from Level I and II French at High Tech took part in Le Grand Concours (the National French Contest), an annual exam sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French, announced Dr. Joseph Giammarella, Principal of High Tech High School.

Students of French (grades 1-12) from all across the United States and abroad take a written test, competing against peers with similar educational backgrounds for prizes.   Teachers of French select certain students in their classes to take Le Grand Concours.

This year, the following students earned Médaille d’argent (Silver Medal): Mously Lo of Jersey City (French I) and North Bergen resident Erica De Lacerda (French I)

The following students earned Médaille de bronze (Bronze Medal): Bayonne resident Amanda Chang (French II); Bar Yifrakh of Hoboken (French I); Jersey City residents Nicole Albornoz  and Mya Veras (French II); Kiara Espinoza of North Bergen (French II); and Union City resident Victoria Herrera (French II).

The following earned Certificate d’Honneur(Honorable Mention): Sophia Velasquez of Bayonne (French II); Harrison resident Mingyu Zhao (French II); Vibha Chauhan (French II), Laiba Khan (French I), and Cynthia Vasquez (French II) of Jersey City; North Bergen residents Maria Sanchez (French I) and Yailin Torres (French II); and Karen Guaman of West New York (French I).

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