Staff Face Off Against Underclassmen in HTHS Volleyball Tournament

Staff Face Off Against Underclassmen in HTHS Volleyball Tournament

(Secaucus, NJ––May 23, 2022) On Wednesday, May 18, 2022, three teams of underclassmen at High Tech High School squared off in a volleyball tournament that saw the victors face a seasoned teacher team in the final round, announced Ms. Kathy Young, Principal of High Tech High School.

The double elimination tournament started with two freshman teams and one sophomore team. Ultimately, it was the sophomore squad—which consisted of Kaiden Garces, Derek Cabrera, Jamser Urena, Madison Chambers, Davis Diaz, Dennis Carrion, and Aaron Bosa—that defeated their peers and went on to face the teachers.

From here, the battle-tested sophomores squared off against a seasoned teacher team. In the end, it was the teachers—Mr. Jose Diaz, Mr. Mina Ghebrial, Ms. Joana Lohf, Ms. Jen Fargo, Mr. Joe Ensmann, Ms. Shannon Mattern and Mr. Antonio Fuda—who took home the victory.

The fundraiser was organized by History instructor and educational coach, Ms. Jamie Velazquez. Ms. Velazquez, who hopes to hold the same fundraiser again next year, extended her gratitude to the players and audience, saying, “Thank you to everyone who attended and participated!”


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